Article I
This Association shall be known as “Lakeside Terrace Social Club” – hereafter noted as Social Club.  Its principle place of business shall be located in the area designated as Lakeside Terrace Mobile Home Park, County of Lake, Florida.  The post office address for transactions of business shall be 24 Sunrise Ln., Fruitland Park, FL 34731 or as determined by the Executive Committee.

Article II
The purpose of the Social Club is to set up ways and means to the end that all good things possible may be served and kept in good force for the good of the residents/home owners of this community, and to promote the spirit of loyalty, cooperation, happiness, and fellowship among all home owner/residents and cooperation with the management.

Article I – Membership Voting
Section I
Any person who is in residence or is a home owner of Lakeside Terrace MHP may
become an active member upon payment of dues.
Section 2
Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

Article II – Membership meetings
Section 1
Meetings of the Social Club shall be as follows:
a.Regular meetings shall be scheduled for 7:00 pm the first Tuesday of the month from October through May.
b.A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of twenty-five (25) percent of the membership.
c.The President shall call a special meeting when requested by a majority of the Executive Committee.  Posted notices shall state the nature of the business for the which the meeting is called and the only business that will be conducted.
d.The President shall call a special meeting upon written request from fifteen (15) percent or more of the members.  Posted notices shall state the nature of the business for the which the meeting is called and the only business that will be conducted.
e.Notice of time and place of all meetings shall be posted on the Clubhouse bulletin board and kiosks one (1) week in advance by the Secretary.
f.Meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order.
g.The President of the Social Club may call a special executive board meeting at any time at his or her discretion.

Section 2
After the President has called the meeting to order, the following order of business shall
prevail, unless changed by a voice vote of the members present.
b.Pledge of Allegiance
c.Moment of silence to remember residents who have recently passed away.
d.Introduction of guests
e.Roll call of officers
f.Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting/acceptance
g.Reading of the Treasurer’s Report/acceptance
h.Reading of Correspondence
i.Report of Committees
j.Report of Activities
k.Unfinished Business
l.New Business

Article III Executive Committee
Section 1
The Executive Committee shall govern the affairs of the Social Club.

Section 2
Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Social Club, namely: President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, as well as the immediate Past President.

Section 3
The President of the Social Club shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section 4
A member of the Executive committee may be removed from office by a petition signed
by a majority of the membership of the Social Club.

Section 5
In the event any officer resigns or otherwise withdraws from the Executive Committee
the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee for the
remainder of the term.  If the Presidency is vacated, the Vice President shall assume the

Section 6
Any member of the Executive Committee who shall absent himself/herself from two (2)
consecutive meetings without submitting sufficient reason to the Executive Committee for such absence, shall be removed from office.

Article IV Election of Officers
Section 1
At the March meeting, the membership of the Social Club shall elect the following
officers for a (2) year term.  The President and Secretary shall be elected in odd years
and the Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in the even years.
a.President:  The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Social Club.
b.Vice President:  The Vice President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
c.Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Social Club, and is responsible for correspondence.
d. Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall receive, record, bank, disperse and account for all monies in the name of the Social Club.
e.In the absence of both the President and the Vice President at a meeting, any member of the Executive Committee shall preside at the Social Club meeting.
f.A minimum of two members of the Executive Committee must be present at all Social Club meetings, otherwise any such meeting shall be postponed.

Article V Committees
Section 1 Nominating Committee
The President shall appoint a nominating committee at the December meeting.  The
nominating committee shall consist of no less than two (2) members, not to include
officers of the Social Club.

This committee shall select a list of candidates for the offices being elected.  These
candidates shall be presented at the February meeting.  At this meeting, nominations
for any of these offices may also be made from the floor by any member.  The nominee
must agree, if elected, to perform the duties of the office.   Nominations for all offices in
the Social Club shall be closed at the conclusion of the February meeting.  The nominating committee shall prepare the official ballot.  The name of each candidate and office he/she is seeking shall be properly printed allowing space to indicate the voter’s choice.  As soon as these ballots are prepared, they shall be turned over to the Election Committee.

If only one candidate for each office is nominated no ballet is needed.  At the March
meeting a motion will be entertained to accept the nominees as the elected officers.

Section 2 Election Committee
Prior to the March meeting, the President shall appoint an election committee of no
less than two (2) members including a chairperson if there are multiple candidates for an office.

It shall be the duty of the committee to manage the ballots after receiving them from
the nominating committee.  At the March meeting this committee shall distribute the
ballots and total the votes.  They will then make known to the President the results of
the balloting and the officials elected for the ensuing term.  After receipt, the President
will then make known the results to the membership.  The candidate receiving the
most votes shall be considered as elected.

Section 3 General Responsibilities
No member or group of members of shall act independently to sponsor benefits, donations, collections or contributions involving membership at large, without first seeking and obtaining the approval of the membership or Executive Committee.  All monies received by any activity shall be turned over to the Treasurer.

Section 4 Sunshine Committee
When a Lakeside Terrace resident is deceased, the Sunshine Committee will donate
$50.00 as a charitable donation or as the family wishes.
For residents/homeowners who are deceased while away from Lakeside Terrace, a sympathy card will be sent with an offer for a donation.

Information will be posted in the Lakeside Terrace Clubhouse on the bulletin board
informing residents of a service for the deceased.

When a Lakeside Terrace resident becomes ill and/or is hospitalized, the Sunshine
Committee will send a card or cards as appropriate.

In the event of the death of an immediate family member (spouse, significant other,
children, parent, grandparent, sibling and in-laws) of a Lakeside Terrace resident an
appropriate card will be sent to the resident.

Article VI Executive Committee Meetings
Section 1
The President of the Social Club shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee once a
month from October through May.

In the event of the necessity of an executive decision to be made during the months of
June through September, the Executive Committee will be polled by the President by
one of the following methods:  in person, by telephone or by e-mail.

Article VII Dues and Other Monies
Section 1
The dues of the Social Club shall be $12.00 per year for each member.  Renewal dues shall be due 12 months from date of prior payment.  Any member in arrears after fourteen (14) months from the date of the prior payment shall be declared a non-member. 

Section 2
Upon payment of dues for a given year the Treasurer shall record such payments upon

Section 3
Any expenditures of money in excess of $100.00 must be presented by the Executive
Committee to the membership for approval.

Section 4
All monies received from payment of dues or from other sources are to be used for the
good welfare of the Social Club and are subject to the limitations set forth in the by-laws.  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for and properly direct all spending of Social Club monies.  Disbursements shall be signed by the Treasurer and at least one other officer of the Social Club, with the exception of the Petty Cash Fund authorized by the Executive Committee and dispersed by the Treasurer.

Section 5
The President shall appoint two (2) members to audit the financial records of the Social
Club yearly in December and make a report at the January meeting.

In the event the Social Club’s Treasurer does not complete their elected term, an audit will be done before a new treasurer takes office.

Article VIII Amendments
These by-laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of regular members present after reading and discussion at two (2) consecutive meetings.  All approved amendments, proposals or recommendations shall be submitted in writing and signed by at least five (5) members in good standing.  Amendments to by-laws shall be posted immediately following the meeting at which they were approved.

Article IX Review of Constitution and By-laws
The President shall appoint a committee of no less than two (2) members to review the Constitution and by-laws every two (2) years.  To be done in the even numbered years.

Article X Constitution
The revised Constitution and By-laws rescind all previous Constitutions and By-laws.

Adopted at the regular membership meeting April 3, 2018.